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The Governing Body at The Lea consists of parents, local authority and co-opted members, staff and the Headteacher.  They each bring distinctive perspectives and skills to the Governing body, enabling us to draw on a wide variety of talents and networks for the benefit of the school.

The Full Governing Board (FGB) meet every term and in addition, the FGB is divided into two sub committees : Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (TLC) and Resources which both meet once a term. Our governors also find that a valuable and enjoyable part of their job is to visit the school during the day to develop their understanding of school life.

The Chair of Governors is Paul Goodwin and the Vice Chair is Rachel Osborne. You can contact Paul at chair@lea-pri.herts.sch.uk or via the school office.

Minutes from the Full Governing Body meetings are available from the School Office.

Letters from the Governing Body

Declared business or pecuniary interests, or governance roles in other educational institutions  

Governor Attendance 2022-23 and Register of Interests 2023-24Governor Attendance 2021-22 and Register of Interests 2022-23

Current Governing Body

Current Governing Body

Governors who have stepped down within the past 12 months

Previous GB Register