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‘Music really is our daily medicine.’ Dame Evelyn Glennie

music curriculum overview.pdf


Music Development Plan

All children learning to play the violin in year 3. After this, many children continue with individual or group violin lessons taught by the same teacher. We also provide piano and other instrumental lessons from peripatetic teachers. These are popular provisions and add to the music experience at The Lea.

Assembly times are used to support and extend the music curriculum both through singing and listening to music. KS1 and KS2 have weekly singing assemblies using a variety of secular and religious songs. The singing of nursery rhymes and listening to music is an integral part of the Early Years provision.

As part of our enrichment, we take part in various concerts including the Rotary Carol Concert, Spring Festival, and KS1 Music Festival as part of Harpenden Schools Music Association. We also participate in other large-scale concerts such as the Hertfordshire Royal Albert Hall Gala Concert and the Young Voices O2 concerts.

Pupil Voice 2024