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Our children are proud to wear school uniform as it gives them a sense of identity and pride in belonging to The Lea.  Our uniform supplier is Beat School Uniforms.  You can shop online or visit their store at 4 Station Road, Harpenden, AL5 4SE.  Pre-loved uniform may be bought through the PTA (contact the office for more information).

Children wear school PE kit to school on the day/s they do PE.  Your child should attend school in uniform as follows:

Uniform, including P.E. Kit (Reception to Year 6) 

Uniform (Reception to Year 6)

Blue ‘Lea Primary School’ polo shirt
Navy pinafore dress/skirt or grey/navy tailored trousers/shorts
Blue gingham dress (weather dependant)
Navy ‘Lea Primary School’ sweatshirt/cardigan
White socks with gingham dress
Grey/ Black/Navy socks with grey trousers.
Navy tights
Black shoes or trainers.
Water Bottle with a ‘sports top’

PE kit (worn to school on allocated PE days or on days when your child attends a ‘sport based’ after school club)

Navy/Black jogging bottoms/leggings
‘Lea Primary School’ sky blue t-shirt
‘Lea Primary School hoodie , ‘Lea Primary School’ sweatshirt/cardigan,
Black trainers
White/ Grey/ Black/Navy socks

Representing the School at Sporting Events

Children will be provided with a school sport kit which must be washed after wear and returned ASAP


Forest School Clothing

Children who attend Forest School throughout the year will wear their PE kit.

They will also need waterproof ‘bottoms’, waterproof coat (this can be their usual school coat) and a base layer (top and bottoms) for cold weather.

Further details will be shared by the Class Teacher / Forest School Teacher.


All children must have a coat, hat and gloves during winter months as they go outside every day.

All children must have a hat in school during the summer months (sunscreen applied at home).

School hoodies are for PE lessons and are not classified as uniform.

Long hair must be tied back for school and hairbands, scrunchies/bows should be small, plain and preferably either blue or black.  Hair should not be cut shorter than a ‘number two’ and must not be shave-patterned in any way. Hair must be natural colour.

The only jewellery permitted in school is a single plain gold/silver stud in the lower lobes, plus a watch. (Children are required to remove earrings during PE lessons or tape over them. Parents must supply the tape to cover earrings. 

Watches are also required to be removed for PE lessons.

No smart watches to be worn in school.

Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.


PLEASE remember to clearly label EVERY ITEM. 


Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy